Montpelier's historic downtown has suffered serious damage from recent catastrophic flooding. You can help! Your donation to the Montpelier Strong Recovery Fund will help our local businesses — the heart and soul of downtown — as they rebuild and invest in improved resilience.
The Montpelier Strong Recovery Fund is a partnership with Montpelier Alive.
Other Giving Options
Planned Giving
Planned gifts support our community for years to come. Deferred giving, trusts, will provisions, retirement plan designations, and insurance policies in which The Montpelier Foundation is named as beneficiary will all be considered. We would be happy to talk with you and your financial or estate-planning advisors about your interests.
Double Your Contribution
Some companies will double or triple your contribution, even if you have retired. Contact your employer's human resources office to apply for a match.
If you prefer to contribute by check, please mail your check to:
The Montpelier Foundation
Box 364
Montpelier VT 05601
Please email us at info@montpelierfoundation.org with any questions, including Donor Advised Funds and Gifts of Stock.
Thank you for supporting our efforts to help build Montpelier’s future!