News & Press Releases
The Montpelier Bridge: A Quiet Foundation Supporting Montpelier
The Montpelier Bridge has kindly published an article concerning us. To read the full article, look here: https://montpelierbridge.org/2021/06/a-quiet-foundation-supporting-montpelier/
June 8, 2021
Coyah Mosher Appointed to The Montpelier Foundation Board
Ed Flanagan, Chair of the Board, announced Mayor Anne Watson recently appointed Montpelier High School sophomore, Coyah Mosher to the board of The Montpelier Foundation. Coyah is an accomplished student with interest in the preforming arts and drama. She has studied with the American Musical and Dramatic Academy. Coyah is a member of Montpelier High School’s Masque Program, Student Council and the Restorative Practices group.
April 5, 2021
Montpelier Foundation Announces Grant Award
The Montpelier Foundation recently announced a grant award that will enable the Montpelier Parks Department to construct a new multi-use trail that would span the perimeter of Hubbard Park and link downtown Montpelier to the Parks Connector trail at the North Branch Nature Center. The proposed trail will allow for multiple uses including biking, walking, running and skiing and will make use of 1 mile of existing trail and create 3 miles of new trail. “This project is a key part of the city’s broader vision of a network of interconnected trails and highlights the increasingly vital role during this time we are in of access to the outdoors for people’s physical and mental health”, said Montpelier Parks Director Alec Ellsworth.
February 1, 2021
Montpelier Foundation Announces Three Grant Awards
The Montpelier Foundation recently announced its first three grant awards since becoming an independent nonprofit. Ed Flanagan, Chair of the Board, noted the many valuable projects happening in Montpelier and named the three selected to receive grants: the Montpelier Tree Fund efforts to manage its Ash Tree project; the Montpelier Area Mountain Biking Association’s project to complete its trails at the North Branch Park; and the Montpelier ArtSynergy art installation at the transit center.
June 26, 2019
Montpelier Foundation Creates Tree Fund
Ed Flanagan, Chair of the Montpelier Foundation, is pleased to announce the creation of a special fund to protect and expand the City’s vital tree population. The launching of the Montpelier Tree Fund comes a time when an insect known as the Emerald Ash Borer is threatening to kill all of the ash trees in the City.
April 23, 2019
The Montpelier Foundation Is Now An Independent Nonprofit
Ed Flanagan, Chair of the Board of The Montpelier Foundation, announced the Foundation is now an independent nonprofit organization. Originally created under the umbrella of the City of Montpelier, Flanagan says it was time to make this change. “We’ve had potential donors who said they would rather contribute to an independent entity. We found that there are certain businesses and organizations that are willing to donate but, as part of their guidelines, the Montpelier Foundation had to be a non-profit organization. We also recognized the need for us to be nimble and flexible to better respond to both donors and requests to support valuable projects.”
May 2019